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Old Mathematical Manuscripts and Books

Venue: Jagiellonian Library, Mickiewicza 22, entrance from Oleandry st.
Dates: June 26 - July 10

The exhibition presents 12 manuscripts used for teaching mathematics in XIVth and XVth c. at Jagiellonian University. Among the oldest manuscript displayde there are: Euclid - Elementa; Ioannes Blanchinus - Flores Almagesti cum tabulis et figuris geometricis; Dominucis de Clavasio - Practica geometriae; Ioannes Regiomontanus - Tabula sinuum.

The most valuable exhibit is the original manuscript of Nicolaus Copernicus De revolutionibus orbium coelestium -  Wednesday only (a fascimile will be displayed instead of the original on other days).